A vision to change the Future of motoring safety…
“S. M. Eye”
Looking beyond sight
Purpose of device:
- Allow the driver to see beyond the blind spot of the wind screen pillar
- Safely be able to pull out of parking spaces where the vehicle in front is too closely parked
- Show the way ahead where there is a wide obstruction in front of the vehicle so making it difficult for the driver to see ahead
- Change lanes on a duel carriageway or motorway when there is a lorry or truck in front and it is not possible to see if the way forward is clear to pull out or not
- Be retro fit-able
Other Known Methods
Are looking to developing a vehicle for the future, to use cameras instead of side mirrors.
Are looking to design their Lorries with very large screen on the back doors connected to a camera that is at the front of the vehicle so that the person behind them can know when it’s safe to overtake!
This is a very expensive method that only helps the people driving behind that vehicle and nobody else!! Especially when having to put on all wide vehicles, as many people/companies could not afford it and it does not overcome the visual restriction of when a normal width vehicle is too close!! Through our research other than what is stated in the “other known methods” pages, we have found nothing that will do what we are proposing.
Have launched a new car (2019) beating BMW to it!! The concepts of both are only to see behind as conventional and not to see in front. Hence not addressing the problem and also making the change very expensive compared to the old mirror method of seeing behind you.
This method has a lot of disadvantages such as:
- Immense extra cost
- The additional two extra screens on the dash board are taking up a lot more space, whereas we can use the existing screen in the car (if it has one) or a simple TFT screen
- Since it’s electrical, multiple faults could occur (camera, wiring, display, etc.) which would not amount to a “do nothing” scenario
- It could stop working while on the road, making the rest of the journey very dangerous and illegal in many cases (if at all possible) if not fixed
- It has no backup in case it stops working, which is highly dangerous
- It would be too expensive and labour consuming to retro fit to old cars making it unethical, uneconomical and impractical
Research and Opportunity
European Commission
New technologies on the market can help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our roads, 90% of which are due to human error. In May 2018, the Commission proposed to make certain vehicle safety measures mandatory, including systems that reduce the dangerous blind spots on trucks and buses.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
In 2016, 18,477 cyclists were injured in reported road accidents, including 3,499 who were killed or seriously injured. These figures only include cyclists killed or injured in road accidents that were reported to the police. Many cyclist casualties are not reported to the police, even when the cyclist is inured badly enough to be taken to hospital. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MOTOR BIKES OR OTHER VEHICLES, WHICH MAKES IT EVEN MORE TERRIFYING! We as a company are supported by RoSPA.
MarketsandMarkets Research
The Automotive Safety System Market is estimated to be USD 76.50 Billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 169.46 Billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 9.36% during the forecast period.
It is estimated that over 1 billion passenger cars travel the streets and roads of the world today. The 1 billion-unit mark was reached in 2010 for the first time ever. 2 Mar 2018 Cars (or automobiles) make up approximately 74% of the total motor vehicle annual production in the world. The remaining 26%, not included in this statistics, is made up by light commercial vehicles and heavy trucks (motor vehicles with at least four wheels, used for the carriage of goods), buses, coaches and minibuses (comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat). By “production” we are following the convention used by national trade.
New EU Legislations
“We want to start a debate” said Volvo’s CEO recently, as the car manufacturer sets about its stated aim to eliminate fatalities in its vehicles by 2020.
The EU’s recent announcement on revised vehicle safety regulation has indicated that development and innovation in this area is going to race up the agenda for many manufacturers. The announcement has set out that a raft of new safety features are set to become mandatory on new vehicles in 2022.
These include:
- Blind spot vision
- The necessity for a response will present a few options for vehicle manufacturers
- They can develop their own technology to ensure their vehicles meet the regulations
- They can look to purchase technology from suppliers to fit the technology to their vehicles
- They can seek to license technology from other organisations to exploit technology developed by another party
Makes & Models of Cars Worldwide
- There are approximately 112 makes of cars worldwide (Ref: Auto Trader)
- There are approximately 1200 models of cars worldwide (Ref: Auto Trader)
- On average 85.4 million cars are produced annually
Unseen Danger Impact
Driver and Passenger(s)
- Unfortunately many drivers have no choice but to pull out even when they cannot see onwards coming traffic or in the case of one way traffic if the lane ahead allows them to do so safely. Hence putting themselves, any passenger(s) and others in danger
Vehicles Damage
- Vast amount of damage is caused every year, which not only impacts the vehicle owners financially but also insurance companies. This then affects the general public as premiums rise to compensate for claim pay outs
Innocent Public Third Party
- Many innocent lives have been lost on motorways, people on Motor bikes and cyclists get knocked over. This results in very bad and life changing injuries and often people are killed, this includes pets/animals that get ran over
The Police Department
- Are already burdened and such accidents draining a vast amount of their resources, time and man power
The Fire Brigade
- Another body that is also already heavily burdened, yet are still having to suffer under the weight of such incidents
The Ambulance Department
- As above this is another body that is also already heavily burdened, yet are still having to suffer under the weight of such incidents
The Hospitals
- Thousands of beds are being taken up in dealing with such accidents which can be used for other less preventative cases
- This idea will totally eliminate the risk factor of being able to pull out to the left or right when the view ahead is obstructed from the human eye to be able to see directly ahead and overcome the wind screen pillar blind spots
There are benefits from this for:
- The vehicle driver and passenger(s) because with this device fitted, there can be no visual oversight in determining whether it is safe to pull out or not
- Other road users because there will never be the danger of an unsuspected vehicle pulling out when they are too close. Thus endangering their bicycle, motor bike, car, them or any passengers
- Police Departments, where they can be freed to use their time, resources and man power elsewhere
- Fire Brigades and Ambulance Departments, where they can be freed to respond in other vital places
- The hospitals, where the reduction in accidents would take the ever increasing burden off them
- Car insurance companies, where the decrease in accident claims would (in the long term) allow for reduction in premiums
Gains From This Device
The Police Department would save hugely on:
- Time
- Man hours
- Millions of pounds of expenditure
The Fire Brigade and Ambulance Department would save hugely on:
- Time
- Man hours
- Millions of pounds of expenditure
Hospitals would save hugely on:
- Time
- Man hours
- Thousands of freed beds
- Freed up Doctors and Nurses
The insurance companies would save hugely on:
- Millions of pounds in reduced amounts of high value claims
The public:
- Would be reassured that they and their passengers are safer from an accident. Hence not having to go through undue stress of dealing with the insurance company and potentially losing their no claims
The manufacturers:
- Can offer another very vital safety feature to their customers and very easily profit from it too
The unit:
- Will be that cheap that it will very easily be retro fitted into existing vehicles
For further information please Email: smeye@hosinnovations.com